Rapid Byte Brilliance (RBB) Newsletter

Posted Dec 21, 2023
2 min reading time

Dear Esteemed CEOs, CTOs, VPEs, and Technical Leads, in forging the excellence of your software, the pivotal role played by your architects and developers, cannot be overstated.

Steer your team away from subpar videos and articles to save their valuable time. Ensure a trajectory of success by emphasizing that your developers engage with top-tier learning materials.

Link to Newsletter articles on this site
Link to the Newsletter on LinkedIn

📌 Make sure to follow me on  LinkedIn for exclusive insights and posts that won’t be included in the newsletter! Don’t miss out on the extra content!

Join in to unlock a wealth of expert knowledge at your fingertips!

What you will discover are exclusive insights from top-tier developers, presented through engaging posts and videos.

Embrace a less frequent but impactful content flow. Here, the emphasis is on delivering high-quality, genuinely useful material rather than overwhelming you with an excess of mediocre content.

My unique contribution is making this invaluable content accessible to my audience, accompanied by quick summaries and notes for effortless later reference.

Why bother?

There is no better way to drive progress than to fuel intrinsic motivation.

What’s more motivating, than a simple and easy way to learn and understand how to create software—work to be proud of?

Why should you make the effort to do this? We’re talking about initiating a revolution in your organization! You just need to let it grow and reap the rewards, which include low development and maintenance costs for software.

Yes, CompanyCulture matters a lot, especially when fueled by internal motivation.

I plan to create a SoftwareDevelopment and SoftwareEngineering post section—both on  LinkedIn and on a developer-related page on my consulting company’s website.

This section will feature the best sources, including video and article links from top professional developers, on these topics, showcasing the required way of thinking about:

  • how to write quality code
  • how to do refactoring
  • how to design a system process (and how different a process is based on the company size)

Further Reading
Simple API - Integration Problems and Patterns

Even the simplest distributed system – yes, even integrating against a single API – can pose significant challenges (more than 80% of solutions that SMEs have). Mind-blowing, right!?

Microservices RED Flags - Designing Microservices the Right Way

Remember, business goals are rarely about having a top-notch system!

Finally, we have arrived at the point where we can discuss the pinnacle of modern software architecture: microservices.

6 Little Lines of Fail - Everything is Distributed

In today's tech-driven world, even the simplest-looking code can wreak havoc if not handled by seasoned experts. This's why technical experts are not just "nice to have" for companies, but a crucial …
