John K. Ousterhout - A Philosophy of Software Design

This article is part of the serie: clean-code

Posted Jan 15, 2024
2 min reading time

Achieving excellence in software development demands a balanced mix of hands-on creativity and principled methodology. As a leader (CEO, founder, technical lead), you need to figure out what works for you and your team!

Now let’s tackle “software design” again, from a slightly different perspective

Previously, we drew attention to Robert C. Martin’s Clean Code. We acknowledged his principles-driven approach, and besides coding, we touched on management and architecture-related topics as well.

Today, let me tackle the same problem – effective, maintainable, scalable code – from a different perspective.

Allow me to introduce John Osterhout’s Philosophy of Software Design and his hands-on magic secrets.

Despite some differences in approaches between the two mentioned authors, their goal is the same.

The book highlights these major secrets of success:

  1. Working code isn’t enough: it must minimize complexity.
  2. Strategic vs. tactical programming (mindset).
  3. Classes should be deep [1].
  4. Define errors out of existence [2].

Stay tuned - Summaries of the videos will be coming soon!

Link to the book: A Philosophy of Software Design: Ousterhout, John | Books

Link to the google talk video: A Philosophy of Software Design | John Ousterhout | Talks at Google - YouTube

A summary done on the YT channel HowieCode: 7 Software Design Concepts from John Ousterhout - YouTube

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  1. In contrast to Robert Martin’s approach, which is easy to misinterpret (classes should be small, should do one thing), Osterhout’s way of defining meaningful classes is probably easier to understand. ↩︎

  2. Here, the author showcases how easy it can be to provide a better user and programmer experience by avoiding errors (exceptions) just by looking at things from a slightly different angle. ↩︎

Further Reading
Simple API - Integration Problems and Patterns

Even the simplest distributed system – yes, even integrating against a single API – can pose significant challenges (more than 80% of solutions that SMEs have). Mind-blowing, right!?

Microservices RED Flags - Designing Microservices the Right Way

Remember, business goals are rarely about having a top-notch system!

Finally, we have arrived at the point where we can discuss the pinnacle of modern software architecture: microservices.

6 Little Lines of Fail - Everything is Distributed

In today's tech-driven world, even the simplest-looking code can wreak havoc if not handled by seasoned experts. This's why technical experts are not just "nice to have" for companies, but a crucial …