Ready to Unlock Your Tech Potential With Our Services?

We Made It Really Simple!

Our Services

Experience the Difference

We've seen many software projects fail or become overly costly due to a lack of technical leadership on the client side. What seems to work at first, often misses best practices and key concepts, leading to many bugs, stalled new feature development, and difficult future improvements.
If you are a
  • Small or medium-sized business
  • Startup in pre-seed or growth phase
  • Idea owner
...and you are experiencing
  • Difficulties with technical team communication
  • Delays and lost revenue from slow feature delivery
  • Product performance and scalability issues
  • Critical knowledge gaps disrupting operations
  • No one is there to help you understand the business impact of technical advice
...(then) you're in the right place - whether you need to save your project or get it right from the start, we're here to help. Schedule a commitment-free 20-minute consultation now!

2-Min Tech Health Assessment & Report

Quick & Free! Engage in a brief 2-minute questionnaire for a rapid assessment of your company's technical vitality (no technical expertise required to answer). Gain a snapshot overview of your organization's tech landscape now!

20 Minute FREE Consultation

Got 20 Minutes? Explore the perfect tech partnership with our commintment-free consultation. We'll evaluate compatibility, ensuring our services align seamlessly with your needs. If it's not an ideal match, we're committed to recommending alternatives for your success.

Precision Tech Audit

Pinpoint your technical health issues with precision and receive valuable insights on how to address them. Opt for solving it on your own or let us guide you seamlessly through the process. Elevate your tech vitality, mitigate risks, and save where it truly matters.

Affordable Tech Leadership

Embark on the software journey with us, whether starting with a project rescue or addressing technical health. Recognize that the software process is ongoing; even completed projects require preparation for cost-effective maintenance. We provide a second voice of reason, an extra pair of eyes. Rely on us for sustained excellence, steering clear of pitfalls and the hidden costs associated with overlooking essential guidance.

  • 20+ Years Hands-on Technical Expertise
  • 5+ Years of Leadership / CEO Experience
  • 38+ Successful Projects
  • 20+ Happy Clients…
  • …in 5+ Industries
  • Government and Private Projects
  • US and EU Companies
20+ Years Hands-on Expertise
5+ Years Leadership Experience
5+ Years Impactful CEO Experience in an Insurance Brokerage Company
40+ Finished Projects
5+ Industries
20+ Happy Clients
Government and Private Projects
US and EU Companies
Agency Experience
Multiple Projects at a Time
Multiple Solo Projects from Ideation to Finish
Teams of 2-10 Developers

About "Us"

Balazs brings over 20 years of expertise in Software Engineering, excelling in mentoring and guiding teams towards success. With a focus on strategic leadership, he prevents costly project failures and minimizes maintenance expenses, ensuring your company's tech endeavors stay on track.

Connect with him on LinkedIN, read his blog articles, or schedule a personal call to explore potential collaborations.

Quick Bio

I began my career as a software engineer, working with SMEs and contracting organizations across diverse industries such as government, banking, insurance, legal, automotive, oil & gas, and healthcare.

We've seen many software projects fail or become overly costly due to a lack of technical leadership on the client side. What appears functional initially often lacks best practices and essential concepts, leading to stagnation in new feature development and hindering future enhancements.

This gap in leadership and lack of strategic focus can be easily solved. I started offering my 20+ years of technological expertise as a technical consultant (fractional, part-time, full-time). By partnering with companies, I help them initiate projects correctly, set directions that drive success, achieve significant cost reductions, and rescue struggling initiatives.

Ready to Transform Your Tech?

Schedule a Free 20-Minute Consultation!